I´m leaving to the States to see my sweetheart after two months of Skype, Facebook and What´s App. I can´t tell how excited I am. Sometimes I thought this day would never come.
I followed the friendly advice to be at the airport three hours before departure, because security controls for flights to the US may take longer than for other international flights etc.
It took me 20 min. Including dropping my suitcase.
And that leads to this post: How to waste time at the airport?
1. Be happy you´re a loyal T-Mobile customer, because that guarantees that you can access any Telekom hotspot for free internet and you are not tied to looking into your smartphone. I mean, I love my IPhone (all my friends can tell), but you can´t stare at it for 2-3 hours, right?
2. Take a seat and be sure you make friends with your neighbor. Cause you will need someone to keep your seat when you want to grab a coffee or go to toilet. It´s only about 100 seats for 600 passengers in this boarding hall.
3. Write tons of messages, cause once you arrive at your next airport (mine is Atlanta) you will have another 6 hrs until your next flight departs. You will be happy to find some answers waiting for you :)
4. Take a deep breath and relax. Yes, you will really be with your darling in a few (or more) hours.
5. Keep fingers crossed for friends who are in examination right at the time you lucky girl are already done with it and going on vacation.
6. Write a blog post and find out it´s another 1,5hrs to go.
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