Dienstag, 14. Mai 2013

Just because... I finished my exams. And ended up unemployed.

 First things first: I passed my second state examination yesterday.
I wasn´t really happy about this yesterday, because the oral examination was a 5-hours-lasting mess. I mean, a examiner can ask you questions. Nice answerable questions, where you have to say something about. And they can ask the other type of questions. About the last paragraph you would´ve never learned, just because this paragraph is so unbelievably unimportant. So unimportant you have never heard about it during seven years of studying and legal clerkship. And you will probably never hear about it the following 30 years of working as a lawyer.
So, my grade wasn´t was I dreamt about and this just sucked. But well, 25% of my former colleagues didn´t pass the exam at all, so from today´s perspective I´m happy that I PASSED MY BLOODY EXAM, YEA!!!!!!

Which leads to that fact that due to insurance reasons today is my first day of being officially unemployed. This is kind of strange. I always had a plan. When taking the A-levels back in June 06 I knew I would start studying in October that year. After studying I knew I would do my legal clerkship. But today.. I don´t know what I will do in four months. I have no plan beyond June 8th (and the plan is going on vacation and spend time with my sweetheart). I´m not really worried about my future, I´m sure I´ll find a job. But for a to-do-list and plan-making obsessed person like me it is really strange to have no plan.

Ah well... I have one: Packing my suitcase. Write a guide for my brother how and when to water my plants during my vacation. Watch a movie without feeling guilty because I should better learn. Yes, sounds good, I´ll do this now...

I´m linkin up with Lisette from Northern Belle Diaries today, visit her blog!

Just Because 


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