Freitag, 22. März 2013

Friday´s letters

Dear much needed sleep, I can´t wait. After working half the night yesterday and getting no break today I´m really looking forward to curl up on the sofa, covered by several blankets, with a big cup of tea and my dog warming my feet. I´m note sure if I´ll see more than five minutes of the movie I picked out, but anyways that´s my perfect Friday evening this week.

Dear friends, I´m still overwhelmed by your support. And I´m feeling bad, because I must be the worst friend ever for the last years. No matter how long it´s been since we talked for the last time or even if we´re not close at all, all of you send so many beautiful and caring messages, take me out for dinner, spend time with me and show me that I´m important to you. Thanks again!

Dear apricot, you´re definitely my favourite spring color!

Dear weekend, you promise two days of meeting friends & family, fun activities and sun! Glad you´re finally here!

Dear fostered plants, I hope you like your new home. Don´t you ever dare to wither or get yellow leafs! I want to give you back in good shape someday.



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