Dear tax law studies, only two more exams (and 50 pages of master thesis) to go... I'm really at a stage where the monthly lessons start to seriously get on my nerves :/
Dear girls, can't wait to finally, finally see you again next weekend!!
Dear Deutsche Bahn, you once more were what you are known best for: delayed. Nice you woke me up yesterday with a text that my train later that day was cancelled and I got three additional texts the following hours that two more trains are cancelled and three more are delayed. Based on this I was pretty impressed that I reached my final destination with only one hour delay. Anyway, 11 more train rides to/from Münster until I finished all lessons... I can't wait for the big graduation party in October next year, woohoo!!
Dear my lovely secretary girls, please get rid of all that colds & coughing soon, we urgently need you to get us out of this office chaos :)
Dear darling, it hit me hard that you might not come back to Germany next year. One year already seems to be overwhelming but another one?
Dear ladies out there, check out Erin´s Pinktober-post over at TwoThirdsHazel, she set up a great Breast Cancer Awareness giveaway! I know everyone reads about breast cancer every now and then in the media or at your gynecologist, but this post is really worth reading.
via Erin @ TwoThirdsHazel |
Take care of you all,

I´m linkin up with Ashley today, visit her at
Oh how I loved tax law! It seemed like such a practical class. Most law classes were so theoretical, but tax was real-world stuff. Good luck on your exams!
AntwortenLöschenThanks so much! Think I did fine with the latest one :) Have a nice weekend!