No, I´m not the crazy type who needs to buy gingerbread as soon as it´s in the stores in early September. I will certainly not eat any before December. I don´t think Christmas songs have a right to exist out of advent, although I already heard some high-class interpretations of Jingle Bells in August. And "Last Christmas" should be especially and strictly reserved for the week before Christmas (only). I´d prefer not to be around though.
But - there are some very nice Christmas things that need some time for preparation and they are definitely entitled to cross this blog 72 days before Christmas Eve. It´s The 2013 Secret Santa Gift Exchange from Kym over at
Travel Babbles :)
How This Will Work:
Bloggers will shop for Bloggers.
Instagram'ers will shop for Instagram'ers.
Tweeple will shop for Tweeple.
These picks are going to be completely random.
If you have a blog but want to only Instagram or Tweet, that's fine.
If you don't have a blog, Instagram or Twitter then you're SOL, sorry!
This exchange is open internationally, however to keep postage costs
down, you will be matched with someone from your own country.
Sign Ups will be open until Wednesday, October 16th.
You will be notified of your gift recipient no later than Wednesday, October 23rd.
Follow your recipient for a couple of weeks to learn more about them / their favorite things, etc.
Please mail your gift by Wednesday, November 20th.
On December 18th I will have a link-up here for you to share your blog
post, Instagram post, or Twitter post to share your goodies, thank your
Santa for being so awesome, and send some social media love their way.
This is supposed to be an affordable holiday pick-me-up ... let's keep the value at/around $20.
Please only give something that you'd love to receive!
I strongly suggest purchasing tracking for your package.
Don't forget to include a card that reveals your name and all social media links!
I've debated writing this, but this probably won't be fun for you if your account is set to private.
Sign up over at
Kym´s blog, get creative, and have fun!
Hurry up, the sign-up is only open until next Wednesday :)
Have a nice Sunday y´all, the autumn sun looks promising over here!