Freitag, 10. Mai 2013

Five Minute Friday - Comfort

Five Minute Friday  Today I´m linkin up with Lisa-Jo for the first time. It´s called 5 minute Friday and the rules are quite simple: Stop. Drop. Write for five minutes. Easy.
All on one word: Comfort

Comfort is snuggling in on the sofa, wrapped into a big blanket with a book in my hands and a good cup of tea next to me. Of course it is essential that my black fur-monster is curled up on my feet, peacefully dozing (and snoring).Comfort is coming home in the evening when all my family is gathered for dinner and we just talk about things that happened in each other´s life that day. Comfort is knowing that there are people who will back me up, no matter what happens. And with that knowledge you can have the courage to leave your comfort zone. Go abroad and see what life holds for you. Sometimes it takes some strength to step out into the unknown, when life in comfort zone would be just so easily soothing you into staying on your couch. Why expose oneself to the risk of taking damage in any way? Or just find oneself in a situation you don´t want to be in? Why leaving family, friends and habits for a certain time, when you don´t know what it is you trade it in? Why overcome the fear that you will lose what you already have?
Because even if it goes totally wrong and you have the worst time of your life, you get something back: You grow. And when you return and snuggle in on your sofa it is even more comfy than it´s ever been before.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hi Bridy! I'm your FMF neighbor ... first I wanted to thank you for your lovely comment on my writing on comfort, and I LOVE your idea of saving it for her to read later. I will do that!

    And, so true about leaving your comfort zone and growing! And then coming back to those comfy places and them being even more comfort to you than before because of the courage of stepping out. Thank you for sharing. I hope you keep up with the FMF's. I started them about 2 months ago! It's amazing what five minutes of writing can produce once a week! ;-)

  2. It is so hard to leave our comfort zones, but so worth it. Thanks for the reminder!
