Mittwoch, 8. Oktober 2014
Day 8 - Letter to yourself in 10 years #Blogtober14
Today´s promt: Letter to yourself in 10 years
Dear future Bree,
you´re already 37 now... that´s old as fuck (you still remember who´d say so?)! I hope when you read this lines 10 years from now you´ve found your place in life and will remember and laugh about the struggle of being single at 27. Seeing how much happened the last 10 years and how many decisions changed the path over and over again I have no clue where you will be 10 years from now.
I hope you finally found the one you want to spend your life with and I can imagine you would give up everything you have to follow the love of your life to the end of the world. Or maybe you found someone who lives just around the corner (and was hiding well the last 20 years). No matter which place you live in, I hope your home is in his arms and that is all that counts. I´m also wondering if you already have kids. I mean at 37 you should probably have one.. or two.. or three kids. Or did you just take the career path and run one.. or two... or three offices? Maybe if Mr. Right is around you just do both.
I´m sure you´ve been traveling a lot of places the last 10 years and have some cool stories to share! Did you follow the advice to have some fun and finish your bucket list?
Anyway, a lot of things will happen the next ten years and I hope when you read this again you will smile because everything turned out to be perfect...
the younger Bree
Dienstag, 7. Oktober 2014
Day 7 - Best / worst vacation #Blogtober14
Duh, I had a lot of really good vacations and I´ve been to so many lovely places. Choosing one as best is really hard. But I think I will go with my latest vacation, which was one of many trips to beautiful PRAGUE.
Prague is always amazing. I can´t get enough of it. As it is just a 3-4 hour ride I´m in Prague quite often. I know the city and all tourist attractions already, so I don´t need to see something new, I don´t need to run through the city with a map in hands all the time. I can really enjoy being in vacation at a place I know very well. I enjoy maundering through the beautiful old town, settle down for a coffee, go on walking through the streets, crossing Charles Bridge, changing to Hradčany and Lesser Town and visiting Prague Castle. Maybe settling down for another coffee, just relaxing and watching the people walking by.
In the evening Prague offers many nice restaurants, bars and clubs. Also the hotels are stunning. You will find good bargains for amazing hotels with great service. My latest stay was at ArtDeco Imperial, I can really recommend that one.
If you want to have a nice dinner outside, you should stop by at the rooftop terrace of the Hotel U Prince, where you have an amazing view over Old Town Square.
Enough said, enjoy some pictures:
This is at the rooftop terrace at Hotel U Prince. Like I said, really lovely and the serve great food. Also at affordable prices. In the back you can see a bit of the lit sights, quite a touching atmosphere!
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More interested in nightlife? Don´t miss to check out Black Angel´s bar at Hotel U Prince. It´s a New York style cocktail bar, in my opinion serving the best cocktails in town. Also at very affordable prices.
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My worst vacation: Berlin. Not because of the city, just because of snow and rain and hail. We spent a long weekend in Berlin around Easter time 2012. We didn´t expect summer temperatures, but nobody thought it would be bittercold, rainy, windy and even hailing. I think we didn´t even took any showable pictures, because it was soo uncomfortable outside.
Montag, 6. Oktober 2014
Day 6 - 10 Things You'd Tell Yourself When You StartedBlogging #Blogtober14
First I have to say this blog started as a way to communicate with friends, so I wasn´t thinking about having any other audience or followers. From that perspective I did not give much thoughts about the whole thing and just started. If I had to start again at this point this would be my 10 advices though:
1 - Yes, it is strange to publish your thoughts. Even if you´re already blogging for a long time you will find yourself thinking about what to publish and what to keep private. Sometimes it is good to have the courage to post something serious or sad, because even blogging-world is not a happy place all day long. Find the right mixture!
2 - Don´t worry if anyone is ever going to read what you wrote. It is enough if you like what you wrote. A part of your blog will always be a scrapbook of your life you just write for yourself.
3 - No matter which topic to blog about - be respectful! Even writing not about a person but about a certain topic might hurt someone else´s feelings.
4 - Even if you´re writing this for friends and family - take a look at other blogs, get inspired!
5 - It is strange to see your own pictures online, but you don´t have to hide yourself. There might be more beautiful girls, skinnier girls, more perfect girls - it doesn´t matter. It is your blog, so you matter.
6 - Get connected till Bloglovin, pinterest, instagram and twitter are your best friends :)
7 - Join linkups! They are a great way to learn and improve writing by a given topic. Although it´s fun to see all the different posts that started all at the some point.
8 - Sometimes writing a blog post will be difficult. Maybe you´re too stressed out, maybe you´re just not in the mood - hang in there!
9 - Play with different layouts, colours and designs. A blog is your creative outlet in many ways.
10 -Be happy for finding new followers, lovely readers or blogging friends!
Sonntag, 5. Oktober 2014
Day 5: FALL BUCKET LIST #Blogtober14
So, I´m starting a little late into Blogtober. But better late than never!
Today´s prompt is FALL BUCKET LIST, so here we go with my 10 things to do in fall:
1 - Be awarded with the academic degree of an LL.M.
My university set Oct 31st as the day to held the awarding ceremony for all master´s titles. Seems like lawyers ignore the fun of Halloween. Thanks for that! Still we all worked hard for this day to come and I really look forward to see all my fellow students again and finally become a Master of Laws in Taxation. Though the law related master´s degree is hardly common over here in Germany and I have to be prepared to be asked a lot what the LL.M. behind my name means :)
2 - Visit Oktoberfest
That´s quite self-explanatory, isn´t it? Get in a crazy crowd of drunk people.
3 - Go on a weekend getaway
Seriously, I need a break. I´m working crazy hours and am desperately longing for a weekend somewhere else.
4 - Watch some episodes of True Detectives
This series was recommended by a friend and I really want to find time just to have a lazy afternoon and watch some episodes.
5 - Make/bake/cook everything pumpkin
I just found out how easy cooking anything with pumpkin is last year, so I´m really looking forward to make pumpkin soup and pumpkin bread and pumpkin spiced whatever....
6 - Change to fall clothes
I really love fall for so many reasons. One of them is that I´m always freezing and fall is the perfect opportunity to cover in everything out of wool and cashmere and cozy and soft. And wrap huge knit scarves around.
7 - Make a mason jar of Moonshine
I love the apple and cinnamon mixture of Moonshine... can´t get enough of it.
8 - Enjoying walks with my dog through golden sun and colourful leaves
9 - Go to the gym at least three times a week
I´m still obsessed with going to the gym. Never thought it would grow into a routine so fast.
10 - Simply having some fun night out
Life´s tending to too much work, too much seriousness and too little fun lately. We need to change this.
When writing my own fall bucket list I asked a friend what his would be like. So here's also a fall bucket list written by my dear friend Nathan:
Linking up with Helene and Taylor for #Blogtober14
Today´s prompt is FALL BUCKET LIST, so here we go with my 10 things to do in fall:
1 - Be awarded with the academic degree of an LL.M.
My university set Oct 31st as the day to held the awarding ceremony for all master´s titles. Seems like lawyers ignore the fun of Halloween. Thanks for that! Still we all worked hard for this day to come and I really look forward to see all my fellow students again and finally become a Master of Laws in Taxation. Though the law related master´s degree is hardly common over here in Germany and I have to be prepared to be asked a lot what the LL.M. behind my name means :)
2 - Visit Oktoberfest
That´s quite self-explanatory, isn´t it? Get in a crazy crowd of drunk people.
3 - Go on a weekend getaway
Seriously, I need a break. I´m working crazy hours and am desperately longing for a weekend somewhere else.
4 - Watch some episodes of True Detectives
This series was recommended by a friend and I really want to find time just to have a lazy afternoon and watch some episodes.
5 - Make/bake/cook everything pumpkin
I just found out how easy cooking anything with pumpkin is last year, so I´m really looking forward to make pumpkin soup and pumpkin bread and pumpkin spiced whatever....
6 - Change to fall clothes
I really love fall for so many reasons. One of them is that I´m always freezing and fall is the perfect opportunity to cover in everything out of wool and cashmere and cozy and soft. And wrap huge knit scarves around.
7 - Make a mason jar of Moonshine
I love the apple and cinnamon mixture of Moonshine... can´t get enough of it.
8 - Enjoying walks with my dog through golden sun and colourful leaves
9 - Go to the gym at least three times a week
I´m still obsessed with going to the gym. Never thought it would grow into a routine so fast.
10 - Simply having some fun night out
Life´s tending to too much work, too much seriousness and too little fun lately. We need to change this.
When writing my own fall bucket list I asked a friend what his would be like. So here's also a fall bucket list written by my dear friend Nathan:
1. Write a poem that isn’t terrible and a short story that I’m willing to share with others
2. Visit a country I’ve never been to before
3. See my brother and my cousins
4. Send in my law school applications
5. Discover a new favorite music album
6. Survive the month of October with my dignity and career intact
7. Learn how to cook something other than chicken stir-fry and spaghetti
8. Run the Amberg Franciscan Monastery hill three times in one session
9. Add 15 lbs to each of my lifts
10. Read actual books at least one hour every day
I'm really looking forward to see how Nathan's doing with his list, maybe we'll get a guest blog post soon :)
#186 - A classy date in sneakers
For all of you who wonder for some lines how this is connected to the headline - it´s also classy to give just a single flower to a woman. Not an overloaded bouquet of flowers, just a single flower someone chose himself just for you. It is classy, if he brings you to think about all this so no date-like topics and you still have a really good time even you´re not on the bright side of conversation topics all the time. It is good to meet someone you can have fun and be serious with same time. I´m looking forward to more of that :)
Have a lovely Sunday evening & a good start to the new week!
Freitag, 26. September 2014
# 184 & 185 - A date without garlic isn´t a date
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You know, one day
I was driving my way
It rained cats and dogs from heaven
when I started texting with the fella at seven.
We set a date before eight
had garlic and wine before nine
and sealed the deal after second meal.
I know this sounds crazy,
he didn´t even stole me a daisy,
but don´t be impatient -
thing is, I guess somehow
I fell in love with a special agent.
I´d say I´m a spontaneous person. Saying Hi first time in awful Tinder-land before 7 am on the way to work, setting a date before 8 am for the same day might be a bit too spontaneous for me though - at least I thought so.
I´m no person to do such crazy things, I like to know the people at least a bit better before meeting someone in real life. Still everything felt so easy-going and the pieces just assembled perfectly together, like you´d live on the same heartbeat (which I actually mean in a non-romantic way). I was lucky to meet someone very special, who made me laugh so much my abs hurt, who joined in on my irony and sarcasm. I meet a lot of new people, but most of the time it´s not that easy to feel really comfortable around someone you hardly know. He made it easy. He made it easy to have fun, make stupid jokes and blame yourself (in a good kind of way). He made it easy to leave some non-specifiable gap after he left. #swltgofd2a
Two days in a row we were the last guests at the restaurant, halfway getting kicked out. We challenged our luck a bit further and got kicked out of a bar after midnight finally. Yea, this is Thursday nights in Germany. They roll up the sidewalks after midnight.
I knew he was just there for two days of job training, leaving for another country afterwards and probley never coming back. I thought it wouldn´t hurt just to talk, have a nice dinner, each one going our way from there. #iirtsimy?
I´m sitting here now, typing this and wondering if all of this happened the last two days. It seems so irrational and without any reach. We promised to see each other in Prague. And I´m really trying to drag my thoughts another way and be rational about this. But I miss him.
Some people just leave a footprint in our life.
Montag, 15. September 2014
The day I started to go to gym
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I never thought I´d see the day I go to gym. I always thought it´s quite embarrasing to exercise and train next to people I don´t know and expose myself to them while sweating and changing my face colour from pale to blazing red (which happens pretty fast).
Though I just registered. It´s time to do something to get in shape, I´m not getting younger (sadly). My first trainings were quite good, so I´m motivated to go on.
Dienstag, 10. Juni 2014
Back to date-land
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It´s years later and obviously I´m not the lucky one with relationships. I loved Aaron to pieces, but we just couldn´t make it work. I was sad for a long time and I wish everything would´ve gone another way. I can´t make things undone and I can´t change what happened. So it´s time to start over again, no matter how hard it is. I´m back to date-land and hopefully I´m luckier this time....
Keep fingers crossed for me, I still did not loose faith that there is the right one out there so far.
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